Thursday, June 08, 2006

Nigger, Nigga, Niggra

This is the frontpage of today's Chicago Defender, let's discuss a little.

People, what it is? I've been wrestling with this in my mind for quite some time now, and I've decided to minimalize this word in my vocabulary. And yes it's because I feel I'm better than that, and better than you if you chose to be called a nigga aka nigger.
For years this word has been synonomous with the epitomy of hatred for Black American men, women and children in this country and throughout the western world. And like good little children, we've adopted it, and turned it inside out to find a way to use it against ourselves and not feel bad about it.

But I beg to differ. I believe that the greatest illness effecting Black Amerika today is the evident lack of self love which has ebbed us to become totally apathetic towards one another. Just like niggers, we don't see one another as human beings, much less intelligent life forms worthy of respectable titles such as 'Sir, Mr., Mrs., and Bro.' Nope, instead we're just nigga this, nigga that. How ignorant is that? You can turn on the television at anytime of the day and watch on our network (BET) and see us hating each other to the utmost degree. I'm not hating on dacing and the art of gyration LOL, but when you have a song called, 'I Love My Bitch' I mean damn! Every new artist in the music game must have a song disrespecting the elders in the game, or talking about getting as many bitches as possible for whatever reason, or explaining again how we don't have fathers and we have to sell drugs to each other to 'make it out'. It's ridiculous. I appreciated the Ghetto CNN's of the 1990's, they were real in many aspects. What's going on today is an outsiders view of the inside being dictated to and regurgitated by an insider (albeit a hopeful ex-insider) if you feel me. But I digress because that's a whole nother topic....kinda.

"But a word finds its strength in the ears of the person listening, not from the mouth of the person speaking. Therefore, its up to you to not give the word nigga that much power when you hear it thus becoming upset, and instead let it roll of like it's nothing"
If that's the case, then I ask that you not to speak the word in my presence...period. I mean come on people, at some point or another we are going to have to take responsibility for our actions and the effect they have on the world around us. Our children are watching our every moves and emulating them to their best ability, in the form of mass self inflicted genocide aka black on black crime.
And it's spreading. I remember a time when whites wouldn't dare utter the word nigger, out of a combination of both fear and respect for the their Black American associates. But that's not the case anymore. Not to long ago, I was riding in a car with a two guys one black, one white. The black guy made a statement concerning a comment made by Charlie Sheen in which he called his ex-wife a 'liar, coward and a nigger'. Evidentally this news was made public on the Star and Bucwild Morning Show, and the sound bite was played over and over again. The black guy made the comment incredulously as he explained how many times they replayed this soundbite and to replicate the effect it had on him (presumably) he repeated the comment a few times. The white guy's reaction was, "Well we know she's not one of them! LOLOLOL" I sat, sarcastically thinking to myself, "now I wonder which one of those he's talking about; the liar, the coward, or the nigger?"And while he did not explicitly say the word, I was sure I overstood what had just transpired. What I didn't fully understand was my non-reaction. I really did not, and still to this day do not feel he was purposely calling my and the other guy niggers in his mind. I believe it's more deeply inbedded than that. Blacks may not be niggers, but niggers must be Black, that type of logic. Maybe it was taught to him, maybe it wasn't and he felt we as Blacks embrace this view as we so pridefully call out to each other, "What up my nigga". I don't know all the answers. But I did feel as if that needed to happen to me as it did for me to slow down and think more seriously about how what I'm doing and what I promote may be signaling to the rest of the world. And I think you should do the same.
Is it cool that our 10 year old boys associate their sisters and the women the adorn as bitches? Is that alright? Is it fine and dandy, that our women pridefully call themselves the 'baddest bitch' and bounce their asses competitively against one another to prove it? Is that alright? How about the young brothers who believe that to not be called or to call one another 'nigga' is square? Are we truly a race of nothing more than niggas, bitches, hoes and gorillas (G-Unit) and if so, why do we get upset when revisiting the past and the transgressions of white supremist ideology which catergorized us as such?
Let's open the dialogue. What do you think?

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