Thursday, June 01, 2006

How Soon We Forget

This past weekend was a nice one. The sun was shining down here in Memphis, and everywhere you went (in the hood) you could smell the scent of seasoned meats and barbeque sauces. That's a wonderful aroma....most times. And this time was no different.

Memorial Day weekend to most, symbolizes a new year. A new summertime. All of the pools in apartment complexes are open and most parks are full with children playing and completely wearing themselves out.

While I didn't do much out of the ordinary Friday through Sunday, Monday I decided to head to Wal-Mart grab some coals, and a long handled lighter, some lighter fluid and a few packs of turkey patties and wings. I made it home with the intentions of 'getting it started' nice and early. I wasn't halfway into my mission of prepping my food when I received a call from one of my closest comrades that due to unforseen circumstances, we would have to expedite our Memorial Day program designed to honor our fallen soldiers, family and friends throughout time.

I found myself a stopping point in cooking, hopped in the TDI and heading to Nathan Bedford Forrest Park on Union in downtown Memphis, TN. There I embraced the sight a probably 20 friends and family members awaiting not just my arrival but that of others who were en route to the park.

You see, this was to be our 2nd Annual 'How Soon We Forget' Memorial Day Commemoration. Last year we experienced moderate success with about 15 people coming out to support us in our meager attempts to broaden the scope of the Memorial Day holiday. Usually we consider this day (or at least I did) to be unique because of its focus on respecting those in the Armed Forces, both now and historically. This is a practice which should never die. However, our 'How Soon We Forget' program was designed to stay focused on our perpetual push towards consciousness here in our land, as we pay homage to the aformentioned heroes as well as those we seem not to know where exactly to place throughout our space-time continuum and therefore leave displaced and relegated to Febuary. Comrades throughout time have fought assiduously for a decent quality of life while here in America and have donated their life's time, and resources to the upliftment of some of most subjugated people. We pay tributes to the courage of Denmark Vescey, Harriet Tubbman, and Nat Turner. We show love and honor Dr. W.E.B. Du Bois and Booker T. Washington and their contributions to philosophy and advancement amongst people of color in America. We attempt to shed light on the accomplishments and achievements of Brothers like Marcus Garvey and Paul Robeson.

And that we did!!

From our opening contribution from Bro. Prophecy, we attempted to entreat the children present with a little history of these brothers and sisters, beging in the 15th Century and chronologically moving forward. The poet/philosophical activist FW Love fed us a little love through the art of spoken word with a piece entitled 'Happiness'. And both of our sisters Quita and Mrs. Dee shared hope through very encouraging words. And of course a party is not a party without the Powwa and sincerity behind Brother's Keepa, as they paid homage to those displaced and mistreated through Hurricane FEMA.

By the time it was over, I was headed back home to finish what I started with my meal. I placed my wings back on the grill, slid my macaroni and cheese back into the oven with my baked beans. My wife and I sat back and ate well, talking about our own past, present and future. I finished my evening reading Tavis Smiley's 'Covenant of Black America' whic might I add should be acquired by every Black American in America.

All in all as I said earlier, the weekend was beautiful. We enjoyed one anothers' company and the various gifts we each contributed. While our 'How Soon We Forget' annual program is still in it's infantile stages, we are sure to continue this until its maturity and further with your continued support.

Thanks to everyone who was able to make it out there, and to all who contributed. Keep this blog alive by posting comments or sending me an email at with your info so that we can make you a regular contributor.

Peace and Blessing to all

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