Wednesday, May 10, 2006

US Post Office to Destroy Black American Stamps

Thurgood Marshall, Roy Wilkins, Langston Hughes, Zora Neale Hurston, Patricia Roberts Harris are all on these stamps. Please forward this and buy a book of our stamps ASAP. The P.O. will DESTROY all remaining African American Heritage stamps at the end of the month instead of following their usual procedure of selling them until they are depleted. Why? Because we are not buying them! However, our postal workers are asking patrons to complain to the Post Master, via a complaint form. Please ask for and complete the form (at the post office). Skip the love, flag, rose or teddy- bear stamps that they offer you automatically, Request African-American stamps every time. If we don't buy them, nobody will. We need to keep the little things that we do get. Please send this email to all your friends so we can keep BLACK STAMPS in circulation!!!!

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