Monday, May 08, 2006

Getting Grown Lalalalala.....Lalalalalaaaaaa

F-Dub and I got out Sunday and played a little football in the park ya'll. It was something. LOL When you get out and do things like that, you really notice just how far away from 15 years old you are. Now I know that some of you guys are still in tip top shape so I would guess that this isn't meant for you necessarily. But for the rest of you 25-30 year olds, try it with us next weekend and see just how far you make it. I plan on getting out each and every weekend with as many people as possible to run and play football or softball or something like that. We need to have physical activity added into our regimines. I would like to get out there at a local park every Saturday morning, or Sunday after church. We currently have approximately 5 players who have committed to joining us. Won't you come out to play?
It's flag so you don't have to go to work the next day feeling like you just survived an episode of fightclub.

So drop a line on here, in the comments section and let it be known if you are down. We would love to have you out there. Maybe we can even turn it into a full blown training camp, who knows.

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